1961 Portsmouth Priory Wrestling Team
Kneeling-Serenyi, McCormick, F.; Wright, Buckley, Hill, H.; Stuckart, M. Winch
Back-Mr. Lifrak (Coach), Kilbourn. S. (Captain), Cadley, Burden, Furcolo,
Hamilton, Pendi (Manager)
In the 1961 season, the Wrestling team achieved a decided and long-awaited success Our record of five wins and one loss is certainly an outstanding one in view of the lesser showings the team has made in recent years. In fact this was the first winning season the team has had since Wrestling’s inception here five years ago. This fine accomplishment can be attributed to a number of things, one of them being the substantial experience of this year’s team. Only three members of last year’s first team were seniors, and the others lightweights Wilfie Wright, Doc Buckley, and Harry; middleweights Sam Kilbourn, John Cadley, and Dave Furcolo; and heavyweights Townie Burden and Doug Hamilton- returned to this year’s line-up. The vacancies caused by graduation were ably filled by veterans Geza Serenyi, Mike Stuckart and a newcomer, Frank McCormick.
This experienced first team was strongly backed up, for depth was provided by veterans Peter Theriot and Marty Winch, as well as newcomers Bill Ewing, Mark Whidden and Sam White. The large turnout of beginners this year vouched for the increasing interest in Wrestling here. The novices worked as seriously at grasping fundamentals as the experienced grapplers worked at improving and perfecting techniques. And this wasall done under the able instruction and guidance of Coach Lifrak. The coach’s indomitable optimism contributed largely to uniting the team with a strong spirit.
The popular opinion is that this year’s team will probably have a longer schedule of matches and is expected to do even better than this year. Of the present first team, all but four are returning and there are a number of well qualified candidates for the openings. A record turnout is expected next season; everything points to great results. We thank Coach Lifrak for his efforts in our behalf, and we wish luck to him and to next year’s team