1962 Portsmouth Priory Wrestling Team
After its first defeat at the hands of P.C.D., the wrestling team went on to win its remaining four matches against Pomfret, Cranston, Tabor, and Saint George’s. The members of the team were Antoine Maloney in the 110 pound class, Geza Serenyi in the 115 pound class, Wilfred Wright in the 121 pound class, Frank McCormick in the 127 pound class, “Doc” Buckley in the 133 pound class, Mike Stuckart in the 138 pound class, John Cadley in the 157 pound class, Martin Winch in the 167 pound class, Jim Roy in the 177 pound class, and the incomparable Doug Hamilton in the heavyweight division. During the season the brothers Stuckart were undefeated and high scorers with the undefeated Hamilton close behind in the race. After the season, Hamilton, with the three fastest pins, easily went on to be the state heavyweight champion. This was a tremendous finish for Mr. Lifrak, who had pieced together another winning team by stressing the fundamentals of the game. The team offers its thanks to him for a successful team and a good time during the season.