1981 Portsmouth Abbey Wrestling Team
Front: McCarthy; Jagielski; Skinner; Seymour; Ruvane; Tozzi; Crespo.
Back: Rondeau; Moscarillo; Pyfrom; Conway; Garman; Sands; Harkins; Coach Webster.
Evaluating the 1981 Varsity Wrestling season is a difficult task. Each wrestler who competed was extremely hard working and dedicated. Ihe comradship among the wrestlers themselves was as admirable as their work. Although Wrestling is a dutficult and vigorous sport. those that were able to compete found it a very grating experienceThe Varsity record Josses due to the fact that wins and everv match we torterted at least one weight class and often times two. Ihis considered. betore every match got under way the other team was already ahead of us by twelve points, a distinct advantage.The perfect records of Cantain John Ruvane at 127 bs. and Bob Rondeau at the Unlimited class kept the team from going auner. With problems such as an early season knee murv, to Co-Captain John Foulos and a simllar inturv to John Hott. the team leaned heavily on Ruvane and Rondeau. Ruvane, the team’s M.V.P., easily won both the S.E.N.E. and the Graves-Kelsey Tournaments, and was chosen as the Most Outstanding Wrestler ar the Graves-Kelsey. His greatest feat, nowever, was his finishing 4th in the INatonal Prep Championship at Lehigh University.Rondeau sopnomore. also tonk the Graves-Kelsev and daced 2nd in the Nev England Preps. The season’s highpoint was a close victorv over St. beorges which was partially due to James Garman’s spectacular victory over the Dragon’s Captain. who weighed in at 145 Ibs.Next vear’s Tooks strong with 115 Per James Mauro, Mark Bardorf at 127, Paul Harkins 133. Bob Conway 152, and Umlimited Bob Rondeau. The team needs more wrestlers in order to become more