1984 Portsmouth Abbey Wrestling Team
This year’s wrestling team said goodbye to the Roach Coach and the winless seasons presented during the past two years. The new coach Mr. Stoddart provided strong instruction and coaching skills that helped in guiding this young and inexperienced team. The major reason for the record this year is the lack of experienced wrestlers. This year, the entire lower-middle weights were new wrestlers except for Jackson and Malkovich. Tough wrestlers such as Lopez-Linus, Mendoza, Lombardo, Sahady, and Fortado filled these positions. Heavy-weights were the team’s forte: Bob Fitzgerald. Brendan Canning, Laureano Batista, and Captains Hetherington and K. Fitzgerald filled up this division. The highlights of the season had to have been the team’s first win in two seasons over B.B.N. and the strong S.E.N.E. meet. In the tournament, Bob Fitzgerald placed first at 177 lbs., Brendan Canning second at 167 lbs., L. Batista and Lopez-Linus third at 154 lbs. and 115 Ibs respectively. The outlook for next year’s season is a very promising one. The team is losing only two Varsity starters. Co-captains elect Canning and Fitzgerald should have an experienced team. coach ‘Stolaam’s Herection’ Coach and guidance will also help.
M.V.P. Bob Fitzgerald
M.1.P. Brendan Canning