- Graduation: 2023
- Years of Wrestling: 3
- Other Sports: Volleyball, Sailing, Track & Field
- Home Town: Little Compton
- State/Country: Rhode Island
2021-2022 High School Wrestling Record: 3-5
2020-2021 High School Wrestling Record: EIL Canceled COVID
2019-2020 High School Wrestling Record: 4-4
2023 – Wrestling Captian Elect
2022 – Eastern Independent League All-League Wrestler Honorable Mention
2022 – 3rd Place in the Girls New Englands Preps
2022 – 4th place Eastern Indepant League Championships
2022 – 3rd place, Annual Phillips Academy Girls Wrestling Tournament
2022 – Wrestling Captian
2021 – Wrestling Captian
2020 – 2nd place Girls Northeast Regional Tournament
2020 – Wrestled in the New England Woman’s Preps
2020 – EIL Woman’s Champion
2022 EIL Championship Press Release

2022 Dean’s List
2021 Dean’s List
2020 Dean’s List
2019 Dean’s List
2018 Honor Roll
2017 Honor Roll
2016 Honor Roll
2015 Honor Roll
Co-President of Human Rights Club
Member of The Honors Committee reviewing cases of academic dishonesty
2021 Volleyball EIL Champions, the best win/loss records in New England among the 79 schools of the NEPSGVA
2020 Fall Awards Girls JV Volleyball Raven Award
2019 – USA Gymnastics RI State Championship, Xcel Gold Junior A Age Division – 8th Floor
2019 – Aim High Classic in East Greenwich, 8th bars (8.15), 5th beam (8.725)
2018 – Rhode Island Judges Cup, Top Scores 32.875 1
Track: Coach, Mr. Micheletti/Mrs. Tracey, Portsmouth Abbey School
“Merritt exudes maturity, which is one of the reasons I spent the better part of the season presuming she was a Form VI athlete. I was thrilled to be reminded that she was in fact only in Form V and would be a member of the girl’s track team for another season! Her maturity and natural leadership are two reasons that she will be a wonderful track captain next spring. Merritt is also competitive! She worked very hard at practice and in meets to perform her best. At practices, she was consistently alternating between shot put, discus, and pole vault. At meets, she was consistently one of our leading point scorers. During our league championship, she scored 18 points, which was the second-most points on the team. I’m confident that Merritt will continue to improve in her events next season and I look forward to working with her again!”
Volleyball: Coach, Mr. Gittus, Portsmouth Abbey School
“I greatly respect Merritt as a mentally tough student- athlete and I congratulate her on an outstanding volleyball season. She is a joy to work with and I wish her continued success as we move into the winter term.”
Volleyball: Coach, Mr. Huynh, Portsmouth Abbey School
“Merrit is a coach’s dream: first to practice, the last to leave, and always working hard regardless of the circumstances. She has a spirit and work ethic that is rare; it adds so much to the fabric of the team and provides a great example for younger players. Merritt accepts coaching with ease and is willing to do whatever is asked of her, taking advantage of every opportunity to get time on the court and touches. Merrit’s game has improved so much through the season – she has become a more confident server, and she has an uncanny ability to be at exactly the right place at the right time to block. With a little more focus on footwork, movement at the net, and development of her swing, she is going to really enjoy the rest of her volleyball career.”
Precalculus: Dr. Sones, Portsmouth Abbey School
“Merritt had a spectacular year in Precalculus. She continued to stand out for her work ethic and perseverance in getting her work done correctly. She steadily improved during the year, finishing in the spring with the A+ at the Marking Period. Discipline played a major role in her success. She has strong study skills and a lot of common sense. Merritt has a love for learning and a competitive spirit that keeps her on the path to excellence. She has a promising future in math and science.”