Coach Mike McLarney, Assistant Coach David Wilson
2022-2023 EIL Record: 6-2 , Overall Record: 17-9
Left to right: Bottom Row
Daniella Gasso, Connor Lynn, Mary Adams, Dino De Marzio, Waverly Compagnone.
Middle Row
Luca Donadio, Lilly Coward Manager, Thomas O’Hara, Merritt Coward Captian, Jermaine Anson Captian, Garrett Roskelly Captian, Hunter Leviss, Chris Chow, Aidan Sainte.
Top Row
Tiger Li, Jinn Park, Dahmaux Koussi-Brou, Sean Oh, Ben Bredin, Atticus Bonny, Harry Lunden, Jason Xing, Will Kelly
2022-2023 Portsmouth Abbey Wrestling Team
We are proud to be a member of the prestigious Eastern Independent League (EIL) member schools: Bancroft School, Beaver Country Day School, Berwick Academy, Concord Academy, Dana Hall School, Landmark School, Lexington Christian Academy, Newton Country Day School, Pingree School, Portsmouth Abbey School and The Winsor School, The EIL provides student-athletes the opportunity for rigorous competition with schools of similar size and athletic philosophy.
Our wrestling program encourages students to reach their potential in the classroom and on the mats. It fosters a healthy respect for coaches, officials, opponents, and the game itself. Because wrestling demands an individual commitment to hard, physical work, we train our athletes in the game’s physical and mental aspects.
The NEW 2023 NFHS high school wrestling weight classes are (pounds):
106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144,
150, 157, 165, 175, 190, 215 and 285.
GIRLS National Preps 12 Weight classes
100, 107, 114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 165, 185, 235
If you would like to wrestle, come see us, or search out one of our teammates!”
Coach Mike McLarney
Tabor Battle of the Bay
2nd – Merritt Coward – GIRL’S 150
2nd – Garrett Roskelly -165
5th – Tommy O’Hara -150
Mick O’Hara – 120
Atticus Bonny – 157
Eastern Independent League
1st – Connor Lynn -132
1st – Tommy O’ Hara -144
1st – Sean Oh – 157
1st – Garrett Roskelly -165
2nd Dino De Marzio -106
2nd – Atticus Bonny -150
2nd – Dahmaux Kouassi-Brou-175
4th – Daniella Gasso 106
4th-Tiger Li-165
4th-Harry Lunden-215
4th-Jason Xing-285
2023 Girl’s National Preps
4th – Daniella Gasso 106 All American
Northern New England Invitational
1st – Garrett Roskelly -165
2nd – Dino De Marzio -106
2nd – Sean Oh – 157
3rd – Daniella Gasso – 106
3rd – Dahmaux Kouassi-Brou – 175
5th – Connor Lynn – 132
5th – Jinnsung Park – 144
5th – Atticus Bonny – 150
5th – Will Kelly – 175

Click on the wrestlers name to see more
2022-2023 Roster

106 Daniella Gasso

106/114 Dino De Marzio

120 Mary Adams

126 Chris Chau

132 Connor Lynn

132 Waverly Compagnone

138 Aidan Sainte

144 Luca Donadio

144 Thomas O’Hara

150 Atticus Bonny

150 Javier Regalado

150 Jinsung Park

150 Liam Caldwell

150 Merritt Coward Captain

157 Sean Oh

157 Tiger Li

165 Garrett Roskelly Captain

175 Dahmaux Kouassi-Brou

175 Hunter Leviss

175 Jermaine Anson Captain

190 William Kelly

215 Harrison Lunden

285 Ben Bredin

285 Jason Xing
Inspirational & Motivational Wrestling Videos
Alumni Quotes
The Eastern Independent League (EIL) is composed of eleven New England preparatory